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 Sujet du message: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 12 Aoû 2012 13:47 
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Inscription: 18 Oct 2005 21:56
Messages: 24
Localisation: Edimbourg, Ecosse

I am looking to come to Lille and see a match at the new stadium.

what are my chances of being able to buy tickets for the game v Ajaccio on 5th October?

Is there likely to be a public sale to buy tickets online, Or will the tickets be taken up by season ticket holders?

Thanks for any advice.

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 13 Aoû 2012 20:45 
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Inscription: 09 Mai 2005 15:08
Messages: 3870
Localisation: Villeneuve d'Ascq
this year, there are 30.000 season ticket holders.
So no probem, you can buy one of the 15.000 match tickets available.
Therefore Ajaccio is not a big club in our championship :wink:

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 14 Aoû 2012 00:11 
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Inscription: 13 Aoû 2012 22:44
Messages: 4
you can buy tickets online at loscbillet.com . I think they will be online a week or 2 before the game. I signed up for the website as I think I will be travelling over from London for that game.

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 15 Aoû 2012 11:01 
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Inscription: 18 Oct 2005 21:56
Messages: 24
Localisation: Edimbourg, Ecosse
I have got my travel and accomodation sorted.

Just need to keep a lookout on the loscbillet site now!

Thanks for the replies.

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 16 Aoû 2012 22:07 
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Inscription: 13 Aoû 2012 22:44
Messages: 4
I am waiting to see what day the game will be on. I hope its a Saturday night and not selected by bein SPORT for their Friday night game.

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 20 Aoû 2012 04:41 
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Inscription: 18 Oct 2005 21:56
Messages: 24
Localisation: Edimbourg, Ecosse
When will this be announced?

Would arrive too late for the friday night.

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 20 Aoû 2012 12:16 
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Inscription: 13 Aoû 2012 22:44
Messages: 4
looking at ligue1.com I would suggest 4-5 weeks before the game. if its on the friday I won't go but if its on the Saturday I will do a day trip across.

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 08 Sep 2012 13:07 
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Inscription: 09 Mai 2005 15:08
Messages: 3870
Localisation: Villeneuve d'Ascq
Saturday 6th, 8 PM :wink:

La LFP a communiqué le programme de la 8e journée de Ligue 1. Le LOSC recevra Ajaccio au Grand Stade la samedi 6 octobre à 20h. La rencontre sera diffusée en multiplex sur BeIN Sport 1 ou en intégralité sur BeIN Sport Max.

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 09 Sep 2012 17:30 
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Inscription: 18 Oct 2005 21:56
Messages: 24
Localisation: Edimbourg, Ecosse
DonnieD a écrit:
Saturday 6th, 8 PM :wink:

La LFP a communiqué le programme de la 8e journée de Ligue 1. Le LOSC recevra Ajaccio au Grand Stade la samedi 6 octobre à 20h. La rencontre sera diffusée en multiplex sur BeIN Sport 1 ou en intégralité sur BeIN Sport Max.

Good news, thanks!

Just waiting to find out when tickets go on sale now.

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 12 Sep 2012 15:23 
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Inscription: 18 Oct 2005 21:56
Messages: 24
Localisation: Edimbourg, Ecosse
The LOSC website says that tickets are available from today, 12/9, but when I go to loscbillet.com there is no link to the Ajaccio game, only the OL game.

Anyone else having this problem?

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 12 Sep 2012 16:17 
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Inscription: 23 Juin 2009 23:02
Messages: 4580
Localisation: Lille
Good you kept an eye on out official site.

I've just checked and I have the same options as you so no one can buy tickets yet.

The people running the website are working on French time ( :mrgreen: ) so the Ajaccio game might only be available tonight or even tomorrow morning. ;)

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 12 Sep 2012 16:24 
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Inscription: 18 Oct 2005 21:56
Messages: 24
Localisation: Edimbourg, Ecosse
thanks for the reply.

I'll keep checking!

 Sujet du message: Re: Tickets v Ajaccio 05/10
MessagePosté: 12 Sep 2012 20:33 
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Inscription: 23 Juin 2009 23:02
Messages: 4580
Localisation: Lille
It's on sale. ;)

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