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 Sujet du message: About Emerson Da Conceiaco
MessagePosté: 05 Sep 2012 15:43 
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Inscription: 09 Juin 2008 12:22
Messages: 13
Hey guys,

I am a Trabzonspor fan from Turkey. We've bought your ex left back Emerson from Benfica. I've watched him twice but never payed attention on him. Almost all Benfica fans told us the same thing; he's the worst player ever in their clubs history. So i found myself here to ask your ideas about him, cause i knew that Losc has a goos scouting system and Emerson helped you to win title. I would like to ask some questions about him. First of all is he that bad? :lol: What's his mainability? Quickness- Speed anticipation and weakness as well. I knew that he didn't even scored one goal in his career but does he like to join offense? Is he good with ball? Hope to hear your comments soon.
Thanks in advance :)

 Sujet du message: Re: About Emerson Da Conceiaco
MessagePosté: 08 Sep 2012 00:54 
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posteur fou

Inscription: 09 Oct 2010 18:38
Messages: 1699
Localisation: 9 Sunnyhill Park bt170py
He's shit , why did Benfica buy him ? i'll ever know , good luck ...

 Sujet du message: Re: About Emerson Da Conceiaco
MessagePosté: 08 Sep 2012 02:05 
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Inscription: 01 Oct 2008 21:40
Messages: 13799
Localisation: Auckland
fishbones a écrit:
He's shit , why did Benfica buy him ? i'll ever know , good luck ...


 Sujet du message: Re: About Emerson Da Conceiaco
MessagePosté: 09 Sep 2012 18:31 
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2005 23:49
Messages: 12554
Localisation: Villeneuve d'Ascq
One good year with de the LOSC. For the rest, that's a real disaster, especially for defensive tasks.

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